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What are you afraid of? How you can overcome challenges, obstacles and fear.

The first step is to accept the fact that they are inevitable. Nothing great is ever achieved easily. Things are not supposed to be smooth and easy.

The second step is to realize that they are a necessary and useful part of life. Challenges are actually good and will work to your benefit. It is only because of challenges that we become strong and resourceful.

The third step is to appreciate challenges as your teacher. The bigger the mountain the greater the glory when you get to the top. Remember that what you resist persists. By appreciating a problem you will be more empowered to deal with it. You will also be becoming a better you.

What are they thinking of me?
One of the most important things for you to manage is your concern as to what people are thinking of you. When you are concerned as to what others think you instantly create anxiety within yourself. All you can do is your best. Some will like it and some won't. How people respond says a whole lot more about themselves than it does about you.

The way to be less affected is to not be emotionally attached to the results. If something does not happen as you expected it, it does not mean that you are not good enough or that you were wrong.

How to have more confidence.
Having more confidence can be achieved by anyone. One good way is to list twenty things that you have achieved in your life. When you read over these successes it reminds you that you have made accomplishments in your life and it enables you to realize that you can achieve other goals. The real question when looking at accomplishing something is not if you can do it but how long it will take you to accomplish it. A slow car will get to it's destination and a fast car will get there sooner. Both can make it. It is just a matter of time unless you give up.

Another good thing to do is to list your qualities and strengths. When you can clearly see what you have going for you it will create more confidence in yourself.

For most people the biggest challenge is fear. Your greatest threat to your success is within you, not somewhere out there.

So what do you do about fear? First you need to understand exactly what fear is. Fear is simply an emotional response to the anticipation of physical or emotional pain. Most of the time the fear that we anticipate never happens. Even if what you anticipate does happen you will be able to handle it. Embrace this important truth - what does not kill me will make me stronger.

If you have the power to create fear then you also have the power to eliminate fear. The way to deal with fear is to accept it. Realize that fear is there. It can't hurt you or kill you. How do you get rid of fear? Fear is equal to darkness so the answer is to turn on the light. Light means faith. When you turn on faith the fear disappears, or at least the power of fear is diminished. The source of fear and faith are the same, your imagination. You create either one.

Many people have a great fear of rejection. However, if you analyze it there really is no rejection. You share your viewpoint with another person. The other person tells you what they believe. The other person's opinion is different than yours. That is the end. There is no rejection there is simply a difference in opinion. So choose to create faith rather than fear.

The Power Of One.
One is a small number but it can make a big difference!

There is power in one. God is ONE, you are one. One makes a difference. The entire human population started with one.

1. ONE: small number--big difference. How many points does it take to win or lose a game? ONE. What happens if you misdial a phone number by ONE digit? What happens if you are just ONE minute late for your plane departure? ONE makes a difference.

2. ONE: small number--big difference. The axis of the planet Earth is tilted at 23.45 degrees. A change of just ONE degree is enough to cause another Ice Age on one side of the planet and a complete meltdown on the other side of the globe. ONE makes a difference.

3. ONE: small number--big difference. ONE apple seed properly planted and cared for can lead to an orchard of apple trees and thousands of apples, with multiple thousands of seeds. ONE spark in the wrong place can wipe out thousands of trees. ONE makes a difference.

4. ONE: small number--big difference. In 1923, ONE single vote gave ONE man the leadership role of his political party. It was the Nazi Party, and the man was Adolph Hitler. ONE makes a difference.

5. ONE: small number--big difference. A bill sent to the U.S. Congress prior to the American Revolution proposed to change our national language from English to German. The vote was tied. ONE vote cast by a German immigrant broke the tie for English. ONE makes a difference.

6. ONE: small number--big difference. Every historical event of significance was because of ONE single person who made a difference (e.g. Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Martin Luther, Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and every mother, etc.). ONE makes a difference.

7. ONE: small number--big difference. YOU are ONE person--you can make a huge difference in your life and in the lives of others with the possibility of making a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of others. ONE makes a difference.


Who you are and what you do makes a difference!